Above we see our first two label variations with Spectravision. On the left is the plain Spectravision. Above the company
name there is nothing written. On the right we see Spectravision International. The arrow is pointing at the small line that
has the copyright for Spectravision International. We used Tape Worm for this example.
In the photo above we show the other two label variations. We use Nexar, and if I had all four scans of the different
versions with this title, would've shown only Nexar. These two labels specifically show the copyright for Spectravideo. The
one on the left, though the company name says Spectravision, above it says the copyright date with Spectra Video. This is
what is listed in the label variations. The one on the right says Spectra Video International. The white arrows point directly
to where you should be looking like the other variations above. Not all games have all variations. In fact some only have
one listing while Nexar, I believe, is the only one with possibly all four. So far I have not confirmed any title with all.